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Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Manipulate the Public so You Can Rule the World

For some, life is a game of who can gain the most power in order to acquire wealth or vice versa. To do this, they must gain followers to support their ideas and policies that benefit them. So for those of you who are pondering how to rule the world, this is a proven strategy that is guaranteed to be successful if you are willing to put in the work.

First, it is important to understand what people value most. Once you understand this you can begin to control people for your benefit through manipulation. You will want to threaten the thing you have decided is most valuable to them and it is encouraged to threaten the quality of their life since it is what the majority values most. However, do not do this with violence; instead you must appear to be doing it for their benefit so people will want to follow you. (plus, violence is illegal and your attempt at ruling the world will not last long) Instilling fear will get their attention and they will be more likely to listen. Tell them something terrible will happen to them if they do not listen to your message. It will make people feel you care about their well-being and will be thankful you are trying to help them.

The best way to do this is to come up with a belief system that will dictate how people should act and think, include a simple list of do's and don'ts. The key to getting people to believe your story is again by using fear. Fear is an extremely powerful emotion, and by getting people to be fearful you can manipulate their lives for your benefit. When creating this belief, make sure it includes as many true statements and good lessons as possible, this will give your belief system some credibility.

Be careful not to provide too much knowledge otherwise they will be able to figure out it is a lie. Tell them if they don’t believe you bad things will happen to them and not just on earth but also when they die they will experience some form of torture for eternity. (oh yeah, by the way, you may have to invent some sort of a life after this life, some call this invention the afterlife. I know it sounds crazy, but no one can prove it wrong and people will most likely be excited by this news since they already have a fear of death)

Fear will gain you a lot of followers, but in order to rule the world you are going to need as many followers as possible. So another great way to gain followers is by promising them good things. Tell them their lives will be improved if they believe you. Everyone wants a better life, so you are sure to gain a few followers this way. When something good happens to them, be sure to remind them it was due to them following your belief. This will help confirm to them that they made the right decision and that your belief really is true.

However, because this is just a lie you fabricated, many people’s lives will not get better and some will even get worse. When this happens, tell them they will receive their rewards after they die. (Another reason why inventing an afterlife will come in handy) You can promise them things they wish they had such as a mansion made of gold, beautiful women, a new attractive body with six pack abs, or even the ruler of their own planet, feel free to get as creative as you’d like on this one just make sure it is something they cannot refuse.

Another way to gain followers is to tell them they are bad people if they do not follow these beliefs. People are generally good and like being nice to others, so they will want to be associated with other people who have a label associated with being “good”. This will also make it difficult for those who do not follow your belief, because by creating a label that represents good, by default it will give the non-believers the label of “bad”. This will be difficult for many non-believers to handle and some will give in due to how your followers have treated them for not believing.

Labeling your followers as “good” is a really important part of the strategy because in order for people to be labeled that, they must adhere to your belief which is false, and for those who know the truth, your followers will not listen to them because they have the label “bad”. (absolutely brilliant, right) This is going to be extremely helpful and you won’t have to defend the non-believers logical arguments because reason and logic will seem negative to your followers. This will keep your believers stupid and they will continue believing. You will be able to control what they believe to be good/bad and fact/fiction. You are going to love this feature and it will come in handy often, trust me.

You will need to encourage your believers to meet up regularly in order to continually teach them more about this belief. This also helps reinforce to them that this belief is right. It is also highly encouraged to teach them when they are young before they develop critical thinking skills, if they grow up believing your teachings they are more likely to form an emotional attachment and are less likely to question its credibility. Of course you are bound to lose a few due to critical thinking and logic, but just tell everyone that they have simply lost their way due to their selfish nature (which you of course know all about, since you want to rule the world) or convince people they just didn’t understand it well enough and wasn’t able to grasp the importance of it.

When teaching this to others, be careful to not make any claims that can be tested otherwise people will test them and see it is not true. Give yourself plenty of wiggle room incase new discovers are found by the non-believers. This is sure to happen, so when it does it is helpful to somehow tie the new discovery into things you have been saying all along. It may take a bit of creativity and twisting of your previous statements but you’ll figure something out. If you can’t do this, just completely deny whatever it was they found or point back to your manuscript that shows differently as proof they are lying. You can also remind your followers that those non-believers are bad people and are just trying to deceive them.

If you run into a person who asks for evidence to prove what you are saying is true, tell them it must be taken on faith alone or they have to believe it first in order for them to see it is true or some kind of crap like that. If they continue to demand evidence, you are probably going after the wrong person and will not have much success. Avoid these types at all cost! They will only cause you headaches and most likely will go around telling your followers how deceived and stupid they are.

If people start to question the validity of your beliefs, you can say things such as, “well if you don’t believe this, what if you’re wrong and it is true?” This will get your followers to say to themselves, “oh yeah, I have nothing to lose by believing this and everything to gain”. But you of course know they are losing their ability to think for themselves, which is what makes it possible for you to rule the world. The fear you have instilled in them of torture after death will have an extremely tight grasp on them and they will be too scared not to believe it.

Always remember, it is easier to join the crowd than it is to be an outsider. For this reason you must encourage your followers to share this belief with others, if you don’t your belief system may see a drop in numbers and your followers will be the outsiders and can even appear delusional and all your hard work will have been for nothing. So encourage those you feel are knowledgeable and completely convinced of your false belief system so they can start their own groups and share the message with even more people. Once you are no longer the focal point and have other individuals teaching this belief, congratulations, it has now gone viral! You were successful and are well on your way to ruling the world.

Some of you may be thinking the public will never fall for such nonsense, but there are actually countless examples of how these strategies have been extremely successful in the past and still today. I won’t go into them here, since I’m trying to keep this fairly short, but you can do a simple Google search under “religion”, there are thousands of them which all claim to be true and people still fall for them today.

If you find yourself having troubling coming up with a belief that will manipulate people, try creating a spin-off of a current belief system people already follow. You will find many to choose from when doing the Google search. Just look for a weak point in a belief and replace it with something better. You can claim to have discovered new information or that you had an encounter with an important figure in that belief. People who are currently following the belief you are creating the spin-off from have already lost their ability to think for themselves so it shouldn't take too much convincing as long as you come up with a really good explanation for why your version is right and the other is wrong. This is an extremely popular way to gain followers in a short amount of time.

Of course I am not encouraging anyone to do this and hope you don’t. But if you decide to give it a try, I will warn you that there is still a lot of competition out there and it will take a lot of hard work. I also would not recommend you share this knowledge with others because it will make it that much harder for you to manipulate any future followers. But if you try, good luck in your quest for ruling the world! 

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