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Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Best atheist, Science, and Skeptic Shirts on the Internet

With atheism on the rise, it is making it easier for closet atheists to come out and be heard, and Smart Apparel is doing what it can to ensure that this movement continues to grow by creating a wide variety of shirts that promote science and reason. Some of the atheist shirts are very subtle promoting skepticism and reason while others will expose you for the godless heathen that you are. 
But Smart Apparel doesn’t just create shirts about atheism and skepticism; many of the shirts focus on philosophy, politics, and of course science. The Recycled Stardust shirt is one of the most popular science shirts on the web. And if you like chemistry—you will love the new line called elemeNtS which focus on the history and facts about each element in the periodic table.
Smart Apparel has a special promotion going on until March 23rd 2013, offering free shipping when purchasing at least 2 items and you can find the checkout code for this on the Facebook page.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Is Science and Religion Equally Responsible for Harm Caused in the World?

Atheists often mention the harm that religion has caused in the world, and the common rebuttal to this is, “science has done just as much harm”. The arguments against science range from the obvious nuclear weapons to the less obvious oil and gas which create pollution and contribute to climate change. To decide if science and religion are both equally responsible for harm, it is important to look at the claims both are making.

There are thousands of different religions and all of them make different claims, however they all basically make the same claim which is that it improves the quality of our lives. It attempts to do this by giving us moral guidelines to live by, and more often than not the religion claims that these morals are given to us by the creator of the universe.

Science however, doesn't make claims and unlike religion there is only one scientific method and it was created by men to help us better understand the world around us. The scientific method includes: formulating a question, hypothesis, prediction, test, and then analyzing the data. While science doesn't make claims, scientists do, and when claims are made they can be tested by others using this same method.

The difference between both of these is that one is making a claim and the other is a tool to investigate how the universe works. A method for understanding cannot be guilty of harm but those who use science for evil of course can be.

Religion is often used to justify harmful acts, but you can’t say the same for science. Science has never been used to justify acts of violence even though science may have been used to cause the act. It is similar to the argument “guns don’t kill people - people do”; anyone who has used that argument can’t also say that science is as much to blame for harm as religion, because like guns, science doesn't harm people - people who use science for evil do. Science works and it is our responsibility to use it responsibly.

Religion doesn't work, and when it doesn't - religious individuals have used science to do what their god can’t. Those making the argument that science is harmful - know that religion is guilty and project the same blame onto science to somehow justify the continued belief in their own religion. If both are equally guilty, then in their mind there is no reason to question their own position and the debate is a draw. Arguing that science has caused harm in the world is completely illogical, and anytime someone makes this claim - they expose the fact that they don’t value knowledge.